
Top 10 JS Methods You May Not Have Heard Off
Hi readers! I am going to show you some of the JavaScript Array methods you may not have heard of but are extremely helpful in your programming projects. I give enough examples so that you can understand them easily!

India Growth Trumps Its Costs As A Tech Hub
India is fast emerging as the next big hub for global sourcing, with the country’s growth rate projected to surpass its costs in 2022. Based on estimates by Frost & Sullivan, India will grow almost three times faster than the global sourcing market. India is the leading global destination for outsourcing, accounting for almost 55% market share of the US$200-250 billion global sourcing business, according to Analysys Mason (AMS).

How to Build a Durable Business in a Highly Competitive Industry
Starting a business is hard. It isn't just because of the long hours and high stress. It's because you have to learn how to do a lot of different things, even if you're an expert at one thing. Schools prepare us for many things. But it doesn't prepare you for being an entrepreneur. There are a few things that everyone entering into business should know. The prime aspect of any successful business is to have its processes and systems in place.

Why we don't hire based on Academics
10 to 12 years of our childhood had spent on school for education, One of the most beautiful days of our life. But when we come to the professional course many are not able to catch up with the academics. This caused a huge impact mentally on students. After collages, we are witnessing that many academically brilliant students are struggling to get placed at a company, where the people I mentioned earlier are working in a good company.

Design Trends in 2022
One trend that is seeing a lot of success currently is the rise of mobile-optimized websites. The reason is mainly due to their special design, which optimizes them for use on touch screens. They are often compared to native applications because of their appearance and intuitive interface.

Best AI code completion tools
Automatic code completion tools are an invaluable aid for developers. They allow developers to complete their work in a shorter time.